Thursday, February 14, 2008

Partners In Crime

I was able to go down to the Valley last week and spend a few days at "home." The girls and I had a ball! We got to spend time with everyone and enjoy being with the family. Addie and Kennedy got to spend a lot of time together as well. Here are a few a their "adventures." I'm not sure what else to call it.
While watching Kennedy for Heather one day, I told Addie and Kennedy that we would go for a walk, but first I needed to check on Kimber who was sleeping. I sent them outback alone for just a few seconds. As soon as I got out there I couldn't see them anywhere but could here the drums going in the shop. Here is what I found:
I sat and watched for a few minutes and just had to laugh. Kennedy took over the drums-
and Addie grabbed the microphone. If you remember the post about Addie's love for Hannah Montana, then you won't be surprised that she was singing "Life's what you make it."

I kept Kennedy again for Heather and although the girls were really well behaved, they get some type of wierd energy when they are together. I decided to give them a bath- and holy smokes! Have you ever seen 2 year olds do belly flops in the tub? Let me tell you, it's halarious! Unfortunalty I didn't get any pcitures of that. You would have loved to see it! After their bath I got their jammies on and let them loose. They decided jumping on Grandma and Grandpa's bed would be fun. I know how Mom just LOVES wrinkles in her sheets, so this was perfect! (Kidding, Mom!)

I got them down from there and thought they could calm down with some popcorn and M&M's and a movie. That lasted for a minute before they were off again... this time I found them in Taylor's bed.

They have a good time together and I wouldn't have it any other way!

(In Heather's defense Kennedy's eye is rug burn! She fell down the stairs, I promise, I was there!)

1 comment:

Heather Evans said...


That post made me want to cry. Some day Addie and Kimber will love each other like we do. What cute photos of their mis-adventures!! Believe me I know how they are. We already miss you guys. The last photo is my fave.