Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What the heck?

Okay, since Kobie posted the "Tagged" posting no one has responded, so I thought I would keep it moving along. Briana, you still have yet to respond, you are next!!

How long have you been together? 8 years this fall, time goes by so fast.

Who said "I Love You" first? Doug, I nearly fell out of my chair. This is the same guy who said he would never get married or have children. Now he is an excellent husband and father.

Who is smarter? Doug has good common sense, I tend to make hasty decisions. But I figure we are both pretty smart people. As my friend Rhonda says we are "old souls". People who cant have a game plan kill me! (Kobie, I still love you)

Who pays the bills? Me, I have tried numerous times to show Doug how to do it in Quickbooks and he wants nothing to do with it. All he cares about is if they get paid.

Who is the most stubborn? Me, hands down. Doug just goes with the flow of things. He never likes to ruffle any feathers.

Who wears the pants in your family? Good match of 50/50 but Doug might say I do :)

Now, 3 random things about me.

1. After getting out of the shower I must do my make-up immediately. I have to get my foundation on before my face is dry I also have to blow dry my hair before I put on my mascara.

2. We never share blankets at night and we year round sleep with our ceiling fan on high. I think I got that from my dad. I like it cold when I sleep.

3. I stinking hate when people touch my head, the wind also makes me mad. If you want me to have a bad day send me out in the wind on the way out rub my head that will do me in for sure.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

I vaguely remember the hair/head thing about you growing up. I definitely remember you sleeping in the cold. I try to convince Phil to let me even crack the window in the winter, but he just thinks I'm crazy!