Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I've been Book Tagged

I've been book tagged by Ashby. Since I just happen to be reading a book (I hate reading so this is a miracle!) I thought I would give it a try.
Here's how it goes:
1. Pick up the nearest book (at least 123 pages)
2. Turn to page 123
3. Find the 5th sentence
4. Post the 5th sentence on your blog
5. Tag 5 people

I am going to bend the rules a little and give a little more than just the sentence. It just makes no sense by itself. Here is the preceding paragraph.

In the end, Tammy buckled under the pressure, was whisked to Salt Lake City, and married to Merril late Saturday night. Even though she had been to college and was a teacher, she had never mastered the ability to stand up for herself. She had a mouth and would often complain about things no one else would, but Tammy also felt the need to please people.

I felt blindsided by the news and said little.

Okay, not a very exciting sentence. But, I highly recommend this book, if you don't have an anger issue. This book will tick you off and you will hate the people that are in her life. But, it's a good read. Do it when you don't have much going on because it's pretty hard to put down. (Mom warned me!) Just to put it into perspective, I have been reading it every chance I have had since Sunday and that night and again last night I had a dream about it. I also had a dream that I was part of Dog the Bounty Hunter's team. Me and Baby Lisa were teammates but as a whole team we were on a hunt. It was intense.

Okay, I'm only tagging three:

1. Allie

2. Mom

3. Melinda

1 comment:

Meli said...

thanks for the suggestion, ill have to read it. although i do have an anger problem. ha! hey, what abt me??? you didnt tag me?whah!