Monday, June 9, 2008

Splish, Spash

Next to camping Kennedy's favorite summer activity would be anything that has to do with water. She loves to get wet on the slip & slide or swim in her little pool.
Last Friday Kennedy invited her cousins over for a little water party and lunch. She sure loved it and was ready for a nap when they left.

Isn't Devin's face cute in this? I think he dumped his bubbles into the water and later it was a bit foamy.

Drake actually looks like he knows how to skim board in this photo. I thought it was a great action shot.

How many kids can you get in a kiddy pool? Well at one time I think there was 7!

Lunch! Yum, the kids had root beer, hot dogs, chips, pickles and pasta salad.
It's so fun to have so many of Kennedy's cousins close to home so we can all get together. Secretly, I like it because all my sisters and sister-in laws are close too and we can get together as well.


Jenna said...

Isn't that so fun? I love having my sisters close by, it's always a riot when we're all together! That's such a great idea for the kids, too. How hot has it been down there?

Kobie said...

ALL your sisters are close by? Don't worry, I didn't take offense. Now, get in your car and drive to my house. And bring your sisters and sister in laws with you.

BTW, Jenna- It's hotter than hades down there.

Unknown said...

Fun times! Thanks for having us over! Kobie, we want you to come down and join us...