Thursday, September 6, 2007

A few new loves

I thought I would post some new things that my girls are up to in the last few days. First of all, Kimber is mobile! She is no longer staying in place but crawling around. Lucky for me, it's a rather slow crawl for now. She has also found a new love in Sweet Potatoes. She downed a whole jar for dinner tonight. Look at the joy on her face when her Mom finally found a food she likes.

Addie is also finding new things to do every day. Most recently it's been taking my order and writing it down or playing office. Yes, talking on the phone, using the calculator and writing on a piece of paper, all at the same time. (My family would not think that this is my daughter at all...playing office. Wait until she discovers playing school!) Another thing that she loves doing is crossword puzzles. Seriously. I checked her work and she actually draws circles and things that appear to look like "e's" and "a's" directly in the boxes, with out going out of the lines. Here is what I found her doing the other day.


Ashby said...

LOL, and on the toilet too! She MUST be a Hatch!

Heather Evans said...

Addie, Aunt Heay loves how funny you are. We wish we could come and see you again this weekend. Kennedy has been loving the shoes she "stold" from you. She always looks at them and laughs.