Sunday, September 16, 2007

One Two Buckle My Shoe

I never thought two years would fly by as fast as it did. I can hardly believe that Kennedy is already officially two. We have been so blessed to have her in our lives and we are grateful for her having made us a family.

For Kennedy's Birthday her Grammy & Poppy took her to dinner for pizza and brought her some gifts. She loved opening them as you can see and wanted to wear all of them immediately. She even got a new winter jacket and loved it so much she had to wear it the next day over to Grandma Richardson's and it was 109 that day! When I put her in the car she kept saying "hot" but if I tried to take if off she cried.

We took Kennedy camping this last weekend for her birthday. She got to have Elmo cupcakes and open presents fireside with her Grandpa & Grandma Kelly. As you can see in the photo below her anticipation to open presents was more than she could bare so... she decided to bite it open!!


Jenna said...

Ok, I love her pigtails. Heather, she is YOU! Have I said this before? She is getting so big and precious. Hey Heather, did you darken your hair? It looks very sassy.

Anonymous said...

Kennedy your Aunt Rachel loves you very much!! Happy Birthday my angel. And you sing beautifully. :)