Sunday, December 16, 2007

Going to school?

One day we were at the annex and Drake wanted to carry my backpack home,so we let him.When we were at the gate he took it off and pretty much just gave it to me.



Kobie said...

That is so funny Soren! Thanks for posting something, now go help your mom do the same. Kidding Beth!

Heather Evans said...

Oh, my gosh that is hilarious!! Soren you could write Deep Thoughts for Jack Handey.

Unknown said...

I can't believe how big Drake looks! So grown up!

The Varo's said...

Hey Soren!
It's your cousin Monica. I saw that picture of Drake and noticed that you and I have the same backpack! Don't you just love all the pockets and the thumb holes on the straps?
Love, Monica