Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Happy, Happy Birthday Heather Dear!

{Because it's her birthday I opted for this picture instead one of the incriminating ones I have.  Heather would rather I avoid anything that involves weed whacked hair, spoons or blue leggings.}

I tried to hack into Heather's personal blog in order to post this there, but apparently she changed her password on me.  What the!?

I just had to give a little birthday shout out to my sister.  Today she is 31 years old and for the last 10 or so of those years we have been best of friends.  I wish I could say we were always best friends, but sisters will be sisters and we wasted a lot of time growing up fighting and not getting along.

I am so thankful for Heather for a number of reasons, but one my very favorite reasons is our ability to laugh together.  We laugh constantly together and it always brightens my day.

I love that we are so close and I love that we talk about anything and everything.  Sometimes we call each other just to get a little help with dinner ideas and sometimes we call each other just to vent our frustrations.  Not a day goes by that we don't talk at least once, but usually two or three times.

I am so grateful for her and for the friendship we share.  Happy Birthday H!

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