Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Now that is trashy

Since Queen Creek doesn't recycle we have trash pick up twice a week. It's kind of nice in my opinion. Every Tuesday & Friday Waste Management comes to pick up our can. Well, yesterday was pick up day and Doug took the can out to the road before leaving for work.

Today I went to the side of our house where our can is kept and it wasnt there. I thought it may be outside the gate and looked to see if Doug had not pulled it into the backyard. With trash in hand I looked around puzzled wondering where our can went. A while back Doug installed cameras on the outside of our house. These have come in handy for several things but I thought I would check the video from yesterday to see if I could find where our can went. While watching the video I could see the garbage mans truck come to a stop in front of our house, pick up the can and dump it contents into the truck. He gave the can a little extra shake and there went our can! Yes, straight into the truck with all the other trash. I watched the video as the driver pondered for about 5 minutes what to do then he took off. So, I called Waste Management to see if we could get a new can delivered before Christmas. The representative asked if I knew what happened to the can. When I told him we both laughed! He said maybe the driver was unaware it fell in. I informed him that the driver was fully aware! Maybe next time the driver could be a little more proactive and call the main office to let them know we are in need of a can since he drove off with ours!!

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