Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father Dear We Love You So

Once while working for a past employer a co-worker of mine asked about my family. During the conversation it was mentioned that I was one of 10 children. I thought her mouth was going to hit the floor. Her comment to me was how can your parents possibly provide enough love and support for that many children.

My response was easy, they just do and always have. That has always been their priority.

Growing up I am sure all my siblings will say we loved the end of the day when dad would come home. As soon as we saw his truck nearing home we waited with baited breath to be the first one to his truck to salvage what was left of a pink lemonade or peanut patty he had picked up in the afternoon. This was always a treat for us kids.

When dad got home from work he first attended to our mother and then to his children. Weather it was a hairless goat rendition on the piano or Moody Blues records dad always seem to keep us kids entertained.

I can count numerous water fights in the backyard with dad, whiskers and wrestling to complete exhaustion. Dad did what it took to let each of his children know he loved us in our own individual way.

Several times I would find little notes from dad in my room or car letting me know he loved me and was proud of me. These are some of my most treasured items to this day.

Monsoon season, black licorice, popcorn with too much butter, Rockford Files, hunting and family. These are a few of dad's favorite things.

I would have to say above all the things dad has done great for me in my life is the love he offers our mother. The true sincerity of our fathers love for our mother has perhaps been the most profound effect on any of his children.

We couldn't ask for a better father this fathers day, we love you dad.


Sheila said...

Heather, nice post. I know it meant a lot to dad. Hey, thanks for using a descent picture of me. Love, Mom

Kobie said...

ditto to what Heather said. We are so lucky to have Dad. He is the ultimate example of patience and kindness. Have you ever met a person that didn't like Dad? He is the happiest person I know. I just love Dad!