Monday, April 14, 2008


This time my friend Melinda tagged me. I am so glad that it's a love tag because I am especially grateful for a good husband today.

How long have you been together? Six years as of a few weeks ago, our anniversary is in June.

Who said "I Love You" first? Jared. Then about three days later I said it back.

Who is smarter? That totally depends on the subject. Jared can build a house and I can make a meal. I think we compliment each other perfectly with our knowledge.

Who pays the bills? Me. Everyone one of them. I am a freak with money, or so I have been told.

Who is the most stubborn? Me, hands down. Jared is so easy going, he doesn't care about anything. So, don't ask me why I have to be stubborn. My dad says I am stubborn for all the right reasons, so I guess it's not a bad thing.

Who wears the pants in your family? I think we are 50/50. Our problem is we are both really indecisive. (Heather loves that about us! Just kidding, it drives her insane.) I don't consider either of us the boss, we work really well together.

Now, 3 random things about me.

1. After getting out of the shower I must do my make-up immediately. I have to get my foundation on before my face is dry.

2. Since we have been married we have owned 9 vehicles. Okay, 8 trucks and 1 car. That doesn't even include all of the loaners we have had. As a Hatch, it's just part of life. I have had my truck for just over a year, that is a long time for us. It's not even fun to get something new to drive anymore, it's just another day for us.

3. It drives me crazy that Jared insists we share blankets at night. I hate to be touched while I am sleeping. He insists that all normal married couples share. Has he met any one in my family? None of them share and they are all doing fine. This is the one topic that we will always fight about if it comes up. I avoid it. And yes, we share the stinking blankets.

I tag...
1. Amber L.
2. Monica
3. Briana


Ashby said...

Now I know that I am a totally normal human being. I HATE to be touched at night. Ryan always always always slidse his foot over and rubs the bottom of my foot with his toe. It drives me crazy! And he's done it since the day we were married. And if I'm asleep and he does it, there is you-know-what to pay. Don't wake me. I'm convinced now that we really are soul-sisters!

RPH said...

Cute, Kobie Jo! I like your comment on who is cook, he builds. Great combinations!
Will you give me the info on all the digital scrapbook stuff on this page? I really love it and yes, I want to copy!

Meli said...

i love you! you are so funny!

RJ said...

Hey there Kobie Jo! I love your name, btw. Always have. Whenever you make comments on our blog I always think, but she left off half her name!!! :)

So I used to hate to be touched when sleeping too, but a cuddlebug Davey and co-sleeping with Sophia has pretty much cured me of it. I sleep wherever, however these days :). But, I still prefer my own blanket too. Davey is baffled by it.

I kept meaning to write you back from your comment on my birth post too. Have you seen the documentary The Business of Birth? Well, a friend of mine from a community playgroup used the lady on the movie as a midwife and had a vbac homebirth with her. She LOVED her. So maybe you should just move to NYC in time to have #3?

Wish we lived closer, I'd love to be hang out friends! Take care!