Monday, February 4, 2008

At last...SNOW!

We finally got some real snow! I guess I should say we are finally getting some real snow. It started at about 6:30 this morning and hasn't stopped. Here is the latest measurment.

Yup, a little more than 8 1/2 inches, just today! For anyone that doesn't think that is very much, remember...we are in ARIZONA!
We decided to hit happy hour at Sonic and then take a drive around town. If any one really knows us, they know we are a little cememtary obbsessed. We probably go to the Taylor cemetary once or twice a week. It's actually part of what convinced me to move here. After attending Jared's Granny Hatch's funeral I told him"I would love to be burried in this cememtary." About 2 months later we were living in her house and enjoying her cemetary. (It's actually named after Jared's Grandpa.)

As we drove around we noticed that all the headstones were covered in snow, except his grandparent's. There were no tracks that would indicate someone had cleared the snow or anything. Weird! (Their's is the black granite one- with no snow of course.)

Here is a closer look. Yes, it's under a tree but every other heastone under a tree was totally covered.
And here is the front of our house. It's not a great picture because we were doing a drive by.
PS- I just got a phone call from a friendly old woman reminding me to vote tomorrow. After telling me the polling place and times she nicely encouraged me to vote for Mitt Romney. Don't forget to vote tomorrow! It's Super Tuesday!

1 comment:

Ashby said...

Wow, look at all that snow! I am so jealous! It has been tropical here in DC and I would much rather have snow!